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The Ph.D. Association for Copenhagen Business School Students

Who are we?

The PhD association of CBS (PAC) is an independent organization founded by PhD students at CBS to provide a common voice and point of reference for PhD students. The association’s purpose is to advocate for the quality of education, professional development, and the welfare and political interests of PhD students at CBS.

What does PAC do?

PAC’s activities are organized into three main pillars:

Political, Professional, and Social.


Political Pillar

In collaboration with organizations across Denmark, PAC promotes the welfare of PhD students at CBS in relation to their political rights at the university and more generally the labor market.


For more information on PAC’s political activities, see our Political Teams Folder

Professional Pillar

In collaboration with the PhD School, PhD representatives, and the external community, PAC focuses on developing activities to support the professional development of PhD students: from sharing knowledge and resources for teaching and research to supporting PhD students' career decisions and building a fruitful network.


For more information on PAC’s professional activities, see our Professional Teams Folder

Social Pillar

In collaboration with all its members and external organizations, PAC organizes activities focused on PhD students’ wellbeing and mental health. Intro days and social gatherings at Café Nexus are some activities you should not miss.


For more information on PAC’s social activities, see our Social Teams Folder.

Resources Anchor

Resources for CBS Ph.D. Students

Concrete Wall


The PhD Committee has developed an onboarding checklist.


Use this checklist when you start to make sure you have been given all the information you need.

Intro Days

The PhD school hosts an annual Intro Days.


The invite will be shared with new Ph.D. students by email and announced in the PhD Teams group.


In our PhD Teams group, we have two documents where PhD students share course experiences.


We hope the list may serve as a good source of inspiration for nice courses.


CBS Courses


Outside CBS Courses


Often other PhD students encounter the same difficulties as you.


In our PhD Teams group, we have a channel, where we help each other navigate the challenges of the PhD journey.


PAND is a national network of local associations in Denmark who represent PhD students at a university level.


They facilitate collaboration among the network’s member associations and provide a common voice for PhD students in Denmark, both nationally and internationally.


Read more about PAND here


Do you want to join PAC or collaborate with us?

We are always happy to welcome new members or discuss other possibilities!

Don’t hesitate to contact us, at or send an email to any of PAC’s current board members.

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